Statutory Information for Maintained Schools
- Admissions arrangements
- Ofsted report
- Performance tables and Assessment results
- Curriculum
- Remote Education
- Behaviour policy
- Pupil Premium
- Coronavirus 'catch-up' premium
- PE and Sport Premium
- Equality Objectives
- SEND information
- Complaints procedure
- Governors information and duties
- Financial information
- Charging and remissions policy
- Values and ethos
- Uniform Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Music Development Plan

Great Ouseburn Primary School
Main Street
Great Ouseburn
York YO269RG
01423 330296
Headteacher: Mr Nick Oswald
SENDCO: Miss Florence Irvine
Safeguarding Lead: Mr Nick Oswald
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Miss Annette Cartwright
Early Years Safeguarding Lead: Miss Florence Irvine
If you would like a paper copy of anything on this website, please contact Mrs Scarisbrick using the details above.