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COVID-19 Work packs

The current situation with Coronavirus has the potential to cause significant disruption to children's learning if they are required to be off school for an extended period of time. Our aim is to mitigate against this by providing work packs, pitched at the appropriate level, for children to complete. We cannot recreate the school environment in your home, but we hope these packs provide a comprehensive resource to ensure children remain engaged and motivated with their learning at this difficult time. The activities are a mixture of on-line learning, games, songs, activities and revision. At the time of publishing, all the links work and are free. Please let us know of any issues and we will try to help. Some resources have a 'paid-for' section. You don't need to subscribe but are welcome to of course. We will also add fun and engaging activities to each class page which your child (and you) might like to do. There is no expectation that all of this work will be completed, but hopefully it provides a useful starting place for parents looking to support their child's learning at this very difficult time. 

If you want your children to think you are a REAL teacher - these teacher cliches might help!

Teacher feedback

Whilst we will not be at school, the staff are still at work and they will be available to provide feedback if you have any questions. We will not be 'marking' work as such but will able to respond and will be looking forward to seeing what you have been getting up to. firvine@greatouseburn.n-yorks.sch.uk





Much of this content requires access to a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone to complete. If this is a problem, we are happy to lend out the school iPads for home learning only. If you need one, please get in touch so we can arrange this.

Early Years - Dragon Class

EYFS At Home has four daily activities for children in nursery and reception, with  videos and links.

Y1&Y2 - Unicorn Class

Y3&Y4 - Phoenix Class

Y5&Y6 - Griffin Class

Miss Dawson's Daily Challenge

Every day Miss Dawson will be updating the YouTube channel with an activity or challenge for children to complete. It is suitable for all year groups so please take a look. You can find them here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdc3JmY2n9ql0p-lfJiPFXQ/videos?view_as=subscriber

On-line Reading Books

As it will be impossible to send reading books home, we have got access to the reading scheme online. Early Years  can access this here and KS1 can access it here, your child will have been allocated books to read at the correct level. Please let us know if you need your child's password re-sending.

KS2 can acccess the GetEpic online library of books and audiobooks. Use the code khg7051 to access our school account, please choose a book with your child which is suitable for their reading ability. There are some ideas for guided reading in the additional activities section. 

Spelling and Literacy

Click here to access weekly spellings for your child's class

You can access the Sir Linkalot spelling app for free here

UFOs and Maths

Our Maths UFOs can be be accessed here. Carol Vorderman's Maths Factor is available free at the moment.

Additional activities

You child's teacher will add any additional suggested activities here. They are optional and will hopefully be enjoyable, engaging and fun.


He's no Tol, but Joe Hicks is here at 9am every day or alternatively, Cosmic Kids Yoga is very engaging, especially for the younger ones.


Well-being and mental health

For well-being and mental health support for children there are lots of good resources here from the NHS. There are useful coronavirus-related resources from Compazz Buzz here and here

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