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Welcome to our school

We believe that everyone only gets one chance at their primary education and every child has the right to LOVE being at school, look forward to coming every day and achieve their true potential. We achieve this by developing strong, trusting relationships, delivering a broad, exciting, relevant and child-led curriculum and having high expectations of every child, with no excuses.

We are very much a community school, dedicated to providing the very best education for the children of Great Ouseburn and the surrounding villages. Our aim is for children to leave us as well rounded individuals who display a love of learning in all areas of the curriculum. Children leave us having reached their academic potential and fully prepared for the next stage of their education. I hope that our website provides you with the information you are looking for, but if there is anything else you would like to know about our school, please do not hesitate to give us a ring or pop in to see us. Hard copies of everything on this website are available on request.

Nick Oswald - Headteacher


Contact us:

If you have any enquiries, please ring Anwen Scarisbrick, our Office Manager on 01423 330296 or email admin@greatouseburn.n-yorks.sch.uk. Alternatively, you can contact Nick Oswald at headteacher@greatouseburn.n-yorks.sch.uk. For enquiries about Special Educational Needs, please ask for Miss Irvine our SENDCO.

Learning time: 8.50am until 3.20pm

Wraparound care: 7.30am until 6pm 

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